Monday, February 27, 2012

A Stolen Life: A Memoir

A Stolen Life: A Memoir


Wow!! Thanks to Kindle, I was able to download the book at about one in the morning, and it's now seven in the morning. I have not read a book in one sitting, or in one night for years!

People who saw the ABC interview with Diane Sawyer saw how warm and lovely this young lady is, and her book is like the interview but a hundred times warmer and more personal.

Jaycee's story is refreshing in that it's written by her, and not from a co-author. Much of the book are pages and pages taken from the actual journal entries she wrote while in her backyard prison. You can tell that her journal entries read in much same way as the rest of the book, so in a sense, the entire book is a continuation of her journaling and her ongoing mission in life to help others. For example, it's hard to tell when you're reading from her old journal entries from her more current writings of when she's authoring this book. It's really all one voice, and you definitely get a feel for how her voice resonates through.

Some readers on comment sections of news sites have mentioned they don't want to read the book due to graphic scenes being portrayed. Yes, these scenes are there, but written in a very mature way that I think people should really read. The book doesn't focus on these scenes, as rather the book focuses on simply sharing her story and conveying her sense of hope that's still beaming today. But the sexual abuse scenes are important to all of America as they describe horrifying sexual acts that often go by generic terms like 'rape' and 'molestation.' But what do those mean? Jaycee paints a much clearer picture, and in doing so, acts as the voice for all the victims of sexual abuse that can't share their story.

In America, sexual abuse is something that gets pushed under the rug, or punished. It's like there's no in between. Jaycee didn't know what the word rape meant while the act was being done to her, and I remember when I was 11 (I was also born in 1980 like Jaycee), I didn't know what the word rape meant either. I don't think I learned what the word meant until I was 13 or 14. Perhaps if more people learn about sexual abuse, and what it actually entails, then more can be done to protect innocent victims. And more importantly, when people realize what goes on behind closed doors of rapists, perhaps there won't be parole after just a few years for somebody who had already raped a woman for eight hours straight in a warehouse. Jaycee does an excellent job showing how her captor is a repeat offender, one that therapy cannot solve. Jaycee goes on to describe the failure of the therapists that her captor visited, and how they enabled him more than anything by allowing him to make excuses rather than be accountable for his behavior.

With all this being said, this book is probably not for young teenagers to read by themselves, as Jaycee shares vivid accounts of sexual abuses that happened to her; abuses she didn't even know the names for at the time. Cautiously I note, the entire book would be a great one for a parent and teenager to read and discuss together, with parental guidance on parts of the book that are tough to read or perhaps need proper perspective put into place. (Parents, you must read the book first, as you're the one to judge if the book is appropriate or not for your teenager). In my opinion, I think it's a subject that needs to be talked about more, even if it's difficult to read, but of course, that's up to parental discretion.

The only part I found that was hard to read in the book were the journal entries that talk about her thoughts and reactions to her captor's ongoing talk about Angels and how her captor believed the Angels control people. I don't know how many pages in the regular book, but it was a few pages on the Kindle. While it's tough to read, it illuminates just how unimaginably tougher it would be to live in that kind of manipulative situation on a daily basis.

What's also tough but enlightening to read is how much compassion she has for all the animals she cared for. Through all the events taking place upon her rescue, she even asks a couple officers if they can check on her animals and make sure they're okay, at which time the officers made sure to find them and get them temporary foster homes. The irony that develops through her selfless caring often mirrored her own reality: For example, Jaycee starts feeling really badly about one of her cats being locked up with her all the time, and feeling guilty for wanting the cat's company, she shares how a shed is no place for a cat. Yet she never shows any kind of self-pity on her own situation...all you see is your strength and courage.

I just can't believe these things happened to an 11 year old girl. You really get a sense into the manipulation of the captors (I refuse to say their names) and how through the horror of everything, Jaycee completely shines light throughout her memoir. It's like there's not even a 'hate' bone in her body -- she's an inspiration to us all; that love and hope conquers no matter. And the best thing is that the entire memoir is written so warmly, it's like Jaycee is sharing her story with you directly at the dinner table. And the goes on to share, now that she and her family are free, something very important to her: The simple daily act of cooking great foods and eating at the dinner table.

One last thing, in her journal entries she mentions her goals and plans for her future once she becomes free -- so many of them she's actually doing!




I enjoy a good memoir. It seems there's always something good to learn from other people's life experiences. And while I'm not a huge Tina Fey fan, I enjoyed her as Sarah Palin on SNL and occasionally watch 30 Rock. So after reading a review of the book, and being without anything to read at the moment, I took a chance and bought Bossypants, and I'm glad I did.

It seemed a little uneven starting out, but quickly transitioned into some very interesting pieces about her early jobs, her work with Second City, and then her transition into writing for SNL and her eventual creation of 30 Rock. Interspersed are stories about growing up and dating, her eventual marriage, and her struggles to balance work and family life, as well as some candid advice for other women on how to make it in a male-dominated industry.

Perhaps what I liked most about the book is that even though there is a lot of self-deprecating (and distancing) humor, my sense in the end was that Fey gave us an honest look at who she is: imperfect, stumbling, but always rising again, persevering, and continuing to do what she loves. I would say the book is well worth reading for any fan of Tina Fey, 30 Rock, or SNL, as well as for any woman who struggles to balance the roles of worker, spouse and mom. It was a good read!

Inheritance (Inheritance Cycle, Book 4)

Inheritance (Inheritance Cycle, Book 4)


I grew up reading the Inheritance Cycle, which might be why I love it so much. Eragon and Saphira were almost like alter-egos to me. I have read Eragon, Eldest, and Brisingr twice each (to make sure that the story stays fresh in my mind) and recently finished Inheritance. I started reading the Inheritance Cycle around age 10, at which point it was supposed to be the Inheritance Trilogy, and have always enjoyed the books.

While I can partly agree with those who say there were many mysteries and side-plots left unfinished in the Inheritance Cycle, I loved Inheritance regardless. Of course I am curious about the unsolved mysteries, but I personally do not believe that Christopher Paolini simply forgot to finish them; I believe that he purposefully left them without an ending so that the reader can finish the epic tales of Eragon, Saphira, Murtagh, Thorn, Arya, Nasuada, Roran, Katrina, Angela, etc. on his or her own. Not only that, but I can also imagine that Paolini did not want to end their stories for his own personal reasons as well. Because he started the Inheritance Cycle at age 15, he grew up with the characters even more than I did, and I can't imagine that he would be any happier to part with them than I am. Instead of solving every mystery and defining every relationship in the world of Alagaesia, I believe that Paolini gave enough of a conclusion to satisfy readers and then left the rest to our imaginations.

Considering all of this, not only am I thankful that Paolini allows me, as a reader and a fan, to continue to imagine what is happening in the world of Alagaesia and beyond, but I am also happy and proud for Paolini, I am pleased with how he ended it all, and I am anxiously awaiting the next brilliant piece of literature that comes from his precociously imaginative mind.

The Abbey (Ash Rashid)

The Abbey (Ash Rashid)


There are a lot of reviews on this book. I'm not sure anyone will actually read mine. I'm not a literary type who writes great reviews; mainly, I thought the author deserved another 5-star review to increase the star-average. So, if you don't find my review helpful, feel free to mark it that way. Go ahead, you won't hurt my feelings!

So, for my review, I thought I'd dispel some of the criticisms of the book and mention what I like.

Unfair criticisms:
1) Muslim hero: Some people complained that the religion of the hero -- mainly the constant references to it -- was distracting. I didn't think so at all. There were just enough references to make the hero more human, so the reader can grow attached to him. And they were all very tasteful references. Honestly, the author could have made the hero Christian or Jewish and the impact would have been the same, so there is no reason to complain about references to the hero's Muslim religion.
2) Language: There is some foul language in the book, but no more than you'd expect in a novel about a cop. The swear words are not distracting, as one reviewer put it.
3) Vampires: Who complained about vampires mustn't have read the book. Sure, the villain runs a club where people can pretend to be vampirish, but it's not a book about vampires.
4) Violence: Not more than in any other police drama.

What I like:
1) The book is very unpredictable and captivating. It is almost stressful to read, it is so suspenseful. That is a lot from me, since I usually complain the plots in modern entertainment are all alike. I would put this book on par with any Ken Follet book, in this dimension.
2) The quality of the writing. The author has a very straight-forward writing style. By this, I mean his sentences are clear and succinct and grammatically correct. (As I said, the story itself is not predictable.) A lot of good story tellers bumble out words, but not this author.
3) The hero is very human. You grow attached to him. Like I said above, the references to his personal struggles is what makes him human; the Muslim religion is only the tool.

In sum, this book is not in the same league as most self-published works. It in a higher league than most books put out by major publishing companies. The bulk of reviews are right: this may be the best 99c you'll spend!

The Litigators

The Litigators


Early on in Grisham's career, he wrote with fire. He went off against the ills of the legal and political systems, kicked greed between the legs, and did it all with some memorable, believable characters. His success was not surprising. Then, he stumbled. He lost the fire. I barely hung on through books like "The Brethren" and "The Broker." But last year's "The Confession" showed him kindling some new heat over a subject he is passionate about, and I applauded it, even if it was a bit stale at times.

"The Litigators" is the first Grisham book I've had fun reading in a long time. I get the feeling he had fun writing this one. We meet grouchy Oscar Finley and plucky, unethical Wally Figg, partners at Finley & Figg. These are some humorous, annoying, even likable guys scraping to make a living through any client and situation possible. They're propped up a the tough secretary. They're bottom feeders. Along comes David Zinc, who can no longer stomach the hundred-hour work weeks at a legal firm where 600 other lawyers are employed. He goes off the rails, decides to check out one fine morning, and ends up drunk hours later on the steps at the ignoble Finley & Figg. Despite his recent bender, he's actually a guy who loves his wife, albeit not always well, and still retains some ethical and legal standards, since he's not yet stepped foot into a court or heard the way things go down between a rascally attorney and a leering judge.

With Finley & Figg adding Zinc to their recipe, the mixture bubbles over. Figg stumbles into a potentially huge torts lawsuit against a pharmaceutical manufacturer (while scraping for clients at a funeral home, no less), and he starts signing up other clients (ones who are alive, thank goodness). In his enthusiasm, he drags along Zinc and senior partner Finley, eventually landing their tiny firm in court against a formidable armada of attorneys.

As I whipped through the pages, I found myself laughing out loud on more than one occasion--and for all the right reasons this time. Grisham gives us some great characters, three-dimensional, likable, understandable, despicable, and everything in between. This is the Grisham I remember, one who was passionate, even fiery, but who also loved people and never forgot they were the driving force in his stories. Something has shifted. That fire is back. And this is easily my favorite Grisham in years.

The Paris Wife: A Novel

The Paris Wife: A Novel


Ernest Hemingway was a jerk and he had a wife who loved him. Older by about seven years, Hadley, Hemingway's first wife, married him when he was only a promise of a writer. But she believed in him. She encouraged him through his insecurities about his skill, how he matched up to other writers of the time, and through his fears about life. It is the sad story of Hadley's deep love and devotion to a man with whom she fell in love long before there was hope of The Old Man and the Sea, or The Sun Also Rises.

Ernest and Hadley strive to live an honest, if even at times painfully honest, life together. Hadley doesn't shy away from the knowledge that Hemingway loved deeply before she came along, and sadly, continued loving him even after their divorce and his remarriage to wife number two, Pauline.

Soon into the marriage, Hadley is shocked at herself for how much she absolutely depends on Hemingway. She hates the weakness and determines to appear strong even if she can't be entirely strong. Hemingway's life with Hadley seems so right and then he goes and spoils it all.

Moving to Paris, instead of the originally intended Italy, gives the Hemingways access to some of the most interesting parlors of the day: Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound. Bad company seems to corrupt, their association with all the free love artists and writers has its effect.

If you are at all acquainted with Ernest Hemingway's life, you know this is not his only marriage, you know he commits suicide, and you know he becomes a very great writer. But, Paula McLain does such an excellent job of getting inside the head of Hadley that you find yourself hoping that history might rewrite itself as you read. Alas.

Paula McLain is herself such an excellent writer that it was pure pleasure to read of Hemingway's journey to being a great writer through McLain's words.

A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Five

A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Five


This book is controversial now among fans. Some love it, some hate it. So I've decided to break down my review in a fashion that should be useful for someone who hasn't read it but is a fan of the series. I won't provide any major spoilers, but there will be some minor ones alluded to (hopefully very subtley.) I mainly want to talk about what I think is the best way to approach the book.

In my opinion, some of the people who giving this novel one star are reacting to the fact that this is not the book they imagined. This is not to say that there aren't valid criticisms to be made and issues to discuss, but I feel that many who are vehemently upset are a bit blinded by what they perceive to be the arc of the story vs. how it is now trajecting. A lot of people had certain expectations about the direction of the plot, and Martin does what he always does - he subverts expectations.

I feel as though many fans have fantasized / romanticized what this book was going to be like and instead of seeing what it is; they are only seeing how it is different from what they spent several years imagining it would be. Things they wanted to happen didn't. New and unexpected things did. The scope of the world increases even more, with new characters and new locations. If you come at this book from the point of view that the only part of the world you're interested in Westeros, then you aren't going to like Dance With Dragons. In my opinion, you're also going to miss out on some of the most compelling sections of the entire series.

The thing that separates Song of Ice and Fire from other fantasy series is that the scope of the world - the sheer size and the depth of the history of it - is beyond tremendous. We've got HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of characters both in the past and present, who are all brought to life. We've got not just one continent, but an entire world. It is a world that is constantly growing richer and richer.

With each book the series expands. I've often found this to be the source of a lot of frustration for some readers throughout the series. For example, people got pissed off about the Iron Islands chapters in the second book, and bored with Dorne in the fourth. Honestly though, there is HUGE payoff for all of that in this novel. Now I can't imagine not having the Iron Islands in the story, and I'm grateful he took us there in the second book.

My advice is twofold - read this book next to Feast For Crows and also shake off what you think is going to happen. Don't get married to the ideas you might have had about the direction of the series - but also don't be afraid. You're in good hands with Martin. Trust them. He's giving you a story bigger in scope than anything else out there. If you come into Dance With Dragons expecting him to "refocus" you're going to hate it. Because it doesn't. It does progress the story a great deal (despite people claiming otherwise - I honestly have no idea how to respond to people who say nothing happens in this book. I wonder if we've even read the same thing.)

By the end of the book I feel like we've gotten to a major crux in the story. Not only has a TON happened, but the events of the final two books have all been nicely set up. Knowing Martin, the obvious isn't guaranteed to happen, but the way the board is set up now is certainly intriguing... The cliffhangers, though too numerous, are all on their own extremely fascinating and discussion-provoking.

There is a love interest for Dany which isn't all that interesting or well written. Aside from that, I think there is a lot to like here. People have been howling about how Dany's entire arc is awful, which I disagree with. I think of all the POVs, it is probably the least well crafted and to a certain extent Martin's struggles with "The Mereenese knot" are apparent. But honestly, it is the type of the thing that immediately becomes more fascinating when you think about it side by side with Cersei chapters in A Feast for Crows. There seems to be a deliberate comparison of what it means to be a good queen here and in many ways it is actually quite masterfully structured / thought out. There are all sorts of echoes and clearly deliberate parallel situations occuring that each queen handles in a completely different way.

Likewise, Martin is a genius at subverting how we feel about a character. There is someone you probably hated throughout the series who you will suddenly be rooting for with every fiber of your being. Not many writers can pull that off even once, but Martin does it time and time again. He even takes characters we've cheered for throughout and effortlessly grays them.

This is a masterful book, in the middle of a masterpiece series. To enjoy it best embrace the scope, embrace the new characters (rather the bemoaning the somewhat abbreviated time you spend with the old ones) and let go of what you think you want to happen. There are game-changers here, but just because you're invested in what the game was doesn't mean you shouldn't be invested in what it has become (if that makes sense.) In other words, clear your head, sit back, and enjoy. This one is a wild ride.

I'd also like to take a moment to remind people that the question Amazon asks isn't "do you agree with the amount of stars I've given this book?" They ask "Is this review helpful?" What I've tried to do here is present a review that is helpful for someone who hasn't read this book. If you disagree with my opinion in terms of the book's quality, I'd love to discuss if you're up for a friendly debate, but I'm not interested in bashing your amazon rating (or having you bash mine.) Please be considerate to what the question is actually asking, and if you do find that my review is not helpful, let me know why it isn't and I'll do my best to adjust.

Thanks everyone! Enjoy the Dance!