Monday, February 27, 2012

The Mill River Recluse

The Mill River Recluse


My thoughts and feelings, plain and simple, this was a well-written story, with characters I understood, found believable, and felt strongly about, most of them I fell in love with... The pacing was good, and worked for me... There was just enough suspense to keep me nervous and tense a lot of the time, holding my interest at a slow steady simmer right up `til around the last 10% of the book, at which point it momentarily lost a little of its appeal for me... I was soon back to feeling the love though, and by the time it ended I was left feeling peaceful and happy from head to toe... I will miss some of the characters and would enjoy reading a follow-up to the story... I will probably read this again some day, and it will be nice to do so with my guard down, now that I know what I don't need to fear or feel nervous about. :)

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